Future Kind Has Made A Daily Multivitamin Specifically For Vegans And We've Got 10% Off

Are you vegan and are you eating a heavy fresh plant based diet?

Did you know that most multi vitamins don’t work and can actually cause some harm? We learned something new this month and we wanted to share the news. Now we are not doctors and don’t pretend to be, you should always consult with your primary care physician before starting any new supplement of health care program.

As a vegan of over 15 years, I have been very pro-active in making sure I am getting the nutrients that I need and don’t find that I am low or deficient in my annual blood reports, but I like to make sure that I am taking care of my body to the best of my ability and adding in a multi-vitamin is something I have been looking to do this past year.

Future Kind has made a daily vitamin full of essentials for a vegan diet. Learn more below!

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Future Kind Has Made A Daily Multivitamin Specifically For Vegans And We've Got 10% Off


Future Kind has made a multi vitamin specifically for vegans. In healthy people, the majority of scientific evidence shows that taking a multivitamin isn’t necessary and that some might even be doing you HARM. That’s because they contain vitamins and minerals that you’re probably already getting enough of. 

Vegan diets, in particular, contain HIGHER levels of vitamin C, E, potassium, and magnesium, but LOWER levels of vitamin B12, D, and Omega-3. If your vegan multivitamin doesn't contain the last three, you might be wasting your money.

Future Kind has identified the three nutrients that vegans are most commonly deficient in and has removed everything else.

Roughly 20% of the US population is deficient in B12, but for vegans, it could be up to 92%. That's because B12 is made by bacteria, which either lives in dirt or inside animals stomachs, neither of which your average vegan eats!

There are two other important nutrients that most people in the U.S., vegan or not, aren't getting enough of and that's Omega-3 and Vitamin D. Omega-3 is extremely important to look after our brains, and we need vitamin D to have healthy bones.

Learn More Here.