Stix and Roses Launches Latest Micro Capsule Of Cozy Sustainable Staples Perfect For Dressing Up And Staying Home

We may be staying home a lot more these days, but that doesn’t mean we should be any less intentional about getting dressed and out of our pjs!

There is a lot to be said about the mental and emotional benefits of putting on an outfit that makes you feel good and motivated. I still remember to this day advice one of our interns gave me after a bad break up. She said" “Every day out on your prettiest dresses and wear your happy clothes, make it a habit for 30 days”, she also told me to cry when I needed to cry but to set a timer and give it 10 minutes of absolute ugly crying and then I pick myself up and go back to my day. She was and is one of the wisest people I know and that advice translate across many issues or experiences.

I mention all of this because we are sitting through a year of many trials. A veil is being lifted and it can be a lot to take in and to manage. As we navigate this time it is important to keep our spirits healthy and nourished. As a stylist, one way I do this for myself and my clients is to remember the importance of getting dressed in intention.

Sustainable Fashion, Ethical Fashion, Vegan Fashion, Stix and Roses, Sararose, Chicago Fashion Designer, Chicago Shopping, Woman Owned

Sustainable Fashion, Ethical Fashion, Vegan Fashion, Stix and Roses, Sararose, Chicago Fashion Designer, Chicago Shopping, Woman Owned
Sustainable Fashion, Ethical Fashion, Vegan Fashion, Stix and Roses, Sararose, Chicago Fashion Designer, Chicago Shopping, Woman Owned

As our S/S 20’ collection was delayed and paused, I wanted to design a micro capsule collection that was as cozy as it was intentional. These pieces are designed with healing in mind. Healing on many levels collectively and individually.

As access to textiles and production were extremely limited, these are small runs made with dead-stock materials. Each item is handmade to order by yours truly.

We are so grateful to those who have continued to support Stix and Roses and our mission, financially as well as sharing support online and by word of mouth. Your encouragement and love means so much to us and we look forward to continue making slow, sustainable, vegan fashion that align with our ethics and to support causes that effect our global and local communities.

Sustainable Fashion, Ethical Fashion, Vegan Fashion, Stix and Roses, Sararose, Chicago Fashion Designer, Chicago Shopping, Woman Owned
IMG_2242.JPGSustainable Fashion, Ethical Fashion, Vegan Fashion, Stix and Roses, Sararose, Chicago Fashion Designer, Chicago Shopping, Woman Owned